Which of the following plant possess centrioles in their cells?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following plant possess centrioles in their cells? Answer: (B) Bryophytes

Centrioles are barrel/cylindrical-shaped cell organelles found in the cytoplasm of many eukaryotic cells. They are found in paired and mainly composed of tubulin proteins. They are present mostly in the centrosome. Centrioles play important role in microtubules dynamics and the separation of chromosomes during cell division. During cell division, each centriole goes to the opposite pole of the cell.

Centrioles are found mostly in animal cells and a few plant cells such as Charophytes, Mosses, and Ginkgo. But centrioles are absent in conifers, angiosperms, and fungi.

Normally, each centriole is made up of nine microtubule triplets. Sometimes in the microtubule is arranged in doublets (flies) and single (nematodes). The microtubule is mainly composed of a globular protein called tubulin. The size of the centriole is about 250 nm in diameter and 500 nm in length.