Bacteria having clusters of flagella at both poles are known as

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A flagellum is a hairlike structure present in microorganisms. They are mostly used for mobility or swimming. In some cases, they may act as sensory organs to sense chemicals and the temperature of the outside environment. The number of flagella present in the bacteria may be one or more.

According to the number and arrangement of flagell in the bacterial cells, they may be

(i) Monotrichous: Bacteria with a single flagellum ( V. cholerae )

(ii) Lophotrichous: Bacteria with many flagella at one place ( H. pylori )

(iii) Apmphitrichous: Bacteria with a single or Cluster of flagella at both poles ( A. faecalis )

(iv) Peritrichous: Bacteria with many flagella projecting in different directions ( E.coli )