Which of the following statement is true regarding the double helical structure of DNA and Nobel Prized received by Watson and Crick?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following statement is true regarding the double-helical structure of DNA and Nobel Prized received by Watson and Crick? Answer: (D) Model was proposed in 1953 and received Nobel Prize in 1962

The double helix structure is formed by two strands of nucleic acids such as DNA. The two strands are joined together by hydrogen bonds between the nucleotides (A-T and G-C) of two strands that run in anti-parallel (5′-3′ and 3′-5′) direction. The B-DNA is a is right-handed double-helix DNA with about 10 base pairs present per turn.

British X-ray crystallographer Rosalind Franklin along with American molecular biologist James Dewey Watson, British molecular biologist Francis Harry Compton Crick, and British biophysicist Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins played important roles in deciphering the double-helical structure of the DNA. The double-helical structure of DNA was published in the journal Nature in 1953.

For their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of DNA Watson, Crick and Wilkins received the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1962.