Bio MCQ A patient is generally advised to specially, consume more meat, lentils, milk, and eggs in the diet only when he suffers from 19th January 2021 spadmanabh009 0
Bio MCQ Secretin and cholecystokinin are digestive hormones. They are secreted in 12th January 2021 spadmanabh009 0
Bio MCQ Parkinson’s disease (characterized by tremors and progressive rigidity of limbs) is caused by degeneration of brain neurons that are involved in movement control and make use of neurotransmitter: 10th January 2021 spadmanabh009 0
Bio MCQ Which of the following unicellular organism has a macro- nucleus for trophic function and one micronucleus for reproduction? 8th January 2021 spadmanabh009 0
Bio MCQ Epithelial cells of the intestine involved in food absorption have on their surface 7th January 2021 spadmanabh009 0
Bio MCQ The main organelle involved in modification and routing of newly synthesized proteins to their destination is 1st January 2021 spadmanabh009 0
Bio MCQ One of the examples of the action of the autonomous nervous system is 21st October 2020 spadmanabh009 0
Bio MCQ Secretin and cholecystokinin are digestive hormones. They are secreted in 19th October 2020 spadmanabh009 0