Bryophytes lack true:

Correct! Wrong!

Bryophytes lack true root, stem, and leaf.

Bryophytes are groups of non-vascular land plants. Bryophytes comprise three groups of plants i.e. liverworts, hornworts, and mosses. Bryophytes are nonflowering plants and do not produce flowers or seeds. Reproduction in Bryophytes occurs through enclosed reproductive structures called gametangia and sporangia.

As bryophytes are non-vascular plants, they do not possess roots and vascular tissue. On the other hand, they absorb water and nutrition directly from the surrounding through their surface. The leaf-like structure present in bryophytes is called Phyllid. The phyllids lack vascular tissue (xylem and phloem). Therefore, they are not analogous or similar to the leaves of vascular plants.

Bryophytes do not possess true roots. The root-like structures found in bryophytes are called rhizoids. They only help in the anchorage of plants on the soil or rock surfaces and do not extract water and nutrients from the soil. Similarly, the stem-like structure is not similar to the stem of a vascular plant.